Linux Tricks
gzip files
This will gzip all files within a directory that are not already compressed.
find . -type f ! -name '*.gz' -exec gzip "{}" \;
List only files
This is used to get just the files in a dir. Great for redirecting to a file.
ls -la | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f9
Change all files to Lowercase
for SRC in `find my_root_dir -depth` do DST=`dirname "${SRC}"`/`basename "${SRC}" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` if [ "${SRC}" != "${DST}" ] then [ ! -e "${DST}" ] && mv -T "${SRC}" "${DST}" || echo "${SRC} was not renamed" fi done
Mount CIFS
Install cifs utils:
apt-get install -y cifs-utils
Make a dir to attach the share to:
mkdir /mnt/cifsshare
In /etc/fstab add this line to the end of the file:
// /mnt/cifsshare cifs uid=0,guid=0,rw,credentials=/etc/cifspasswd,workgroup=<your workgroup> 0 0
Make a file named /etc/cifspasswd and put the username and password in the file
username=user password=password
Change the '/etc/cifspassword' file's owner and permissions:
chown 0.0 /etc/cifspasswd chmod 600 /etc/cifspasswd
It usually is not a good idea to make the same share a cifs share and a nfs share. You'll run into a lot of issues.
Mount NFS
Make a dir to attach the share to:
mkdir /mnt/nfsshare
In /etc/fstab add this line to the end of the file: /mnt/nfsshare nfs rw,rsize=8192,hard,intr,nfsvers=3,tcp,noatime,nodev,async 0 0
You will want to lock the nfs down to certain IP addresses on the server. It usually is not a good idea to make the same share a cifs share and a nfs share. You'll run into a lot of issues.